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Urban Dictionary: ragdolled
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During WWI the Marines fought with such ferocity and valor that they were called GI's. A marine doesnt want to be called a GI he wants to be called
noun a ferocious quality or state; savage fierceness. Origin: 1600–10; Latin ferōcitās, equivalent to ferōc-, stem of ferōx ferocious + -itās -ity Related
To be forcefully grabbed and shaken with such ferocity that the recipient resembles a ragdoll, usually occuring when a person has to restrain from
adjective 1. savagely fierce, as a wild beast, person, action, or aspect; violently cruel: a ferocious beating. 2. extreme or intense: a ferocious thirst. Origin
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What Does Ferocity MeanUrban Dictionary: gyrene
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