Download Acanthaceae to Myricaceae : Water Willows to Wax Myrtles
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Аthor: Robert H. Mohlenbrock
Size: 10.09 MB
Date: 11.08.2012

Morella cerifera (Wax myrtle) | NPIN. Dendrology at Virginia Tech - VT Forest.
Images of plants found in Hawaii, by Forest & Kim Starr. Images of plants found in Hawaii, by Forest & Kim Starr (Image use policy).
Scientific name -- Other names Coccothrinax argentata (Jacq. ) L. H. Bailey-- Florida silver palm; Florida silver-palm: Acanthaceae Anisacanthus linearis (Hagen
Morella cerifera (L.) Small Wax myrtle, Southern bayberry, Candleberry Myricaceae (Bayberry Family) Synonyms: Myrica cerifera, Myrica pusilla USDA Symbol: moce2
Partial names are allowed (e.g., Seq gig). You can retrieve all species in a genus by entering a genus name only.
UCJEPS: Jepson Manual Treatment Indexes. UCJEPS: Jepson Manual Treatment Indexes.
Annotated Dicot Plant List of the Ordway.
Morella cerifera (Wax myrtle) | NPIN.
This challenging collection of problems is organized into seven carefully crafted, thoughtful chapters on the Sun and the nature of the solar system; the motion of
Acanthaceae to Myricaceae : Water Willows to Wax Myrtles
UCJEPS: Jepson Manual Treatment Indexes.Family: Genus Species: Common Name: Saururaceae (Lizard's-tail Family) Salicaceae (Willow Family) Myricaceae (Bayberry Family) Juglandaceae (Walnut Family)
= nonnative, planted and a wildland component, commonly "escapes" cultivation = nonnative, planted, generally not considered a wildland component or invasive
Kinds of Trees - Discover Life
Plants of Hawaii - Images by Forest & Kim.
Viburnum opulus var. opulus - European cranberrybush viburnum
Project MUSE
The following is a list of widely known trees and shrubs. Taxonomic families for the following trees and shrubs are listed in alphabetical order, likewise the genera